
Russian Projects


IT development in advertising and marketing

Our work result:

2 grants of 2,000,000 and 3,000,000 rubles have been received

In the photo:

Artem Naumov together with the author of the project Marat Galiullin



USA and Canada Projects

Europe Projects


Platform for smart control of urban lighting systems

Our work result:

600,000 euros has been invested for a share in the company


The work order on your project:

  • Assessment of the investment attractiveness of the project, as well as preparation of applications for investment agencies and the project defense in front of investors

  • Assistance in writing a business plan for the investment project and analysis of the scientific and technological capacity of the project (if necessary)

  • Development of a Term sheet with subsequent legal support at the stage of concluding an investment agreement

  • Additional service: consulting on submitting reports to funds and to operators of investment programs

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Артем Наумов

Основатель и руководитель компании "SOPRANO CAPITAL"

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