

  • Fund for Innovations

    The funding amount:
    from 2 to 20 million rubles

    Who can apply:

    • Innovative start-up companies
    • Inventors
    • Manufacturing and IT companies that have an innovative component in their final product

    Supports research projects, as well as existing businesses at the stage of implementing innovations.

  • Russian Fund for the Development of Information Technologies

    The funding amount:
    from 20 to 300 million rubles

    Who can apply:

    • IT companies
    • Companies engaged in the digitalization of technology organizations

    Financial provision and other support for research, science & technology and innovation activities in information and communication technologies.

  • Skolkovo

    The funding amount:
    from 1.5 to 300 million rubles

    Who can apply:

    • Companies engaged in innovations

    The Skolkovo Fund provides grants to innovative companies in Russia. Also, Skolkovo residents are entitled to significant tax benefits.


  • Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation

    The funding amount:
    from 4 million rubles up to 1 billion rubles.

    Who can apply:

    Small, medium and large industrial companies in Russia
    Sectorial programs of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation regularly holds competitions for the subsidy of the costs incurred.

  • Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation

    The funding amount:
    from 3 million rubles up to 70 million rubles.

    Who can apply:

    Projects in agriculture
    Sectorial programs of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation supports agricultural projects through subsidies and concessional lending.


    The funding amount:
    up to 10 million rubles.

    Who can apply:

    Tourism businesses
    Subsidies are allocated for the purchase of equipment, the development of new tourist routes and mobile travel guide apps, the creation and development of an accessible environment for the disabled. Up to 10 million rubles are allocated, subject to 30% co-financing.

Preferential loans

  • The program «Regions-sustainable development»

    The funding amount:
    from 50 million rubles up to 3 billion rubles.

    Who can apply:

    Preferential loan at the rate of ” Refinancing rate + 1%” with deferred payments for 1-1. 5 years. If your project does not qualify for the usual bank lending (lack of revenue, collateral), then you can try attracting funds to the project through this program.

  • Fund for the Industrial Development

    The funding amount:
    from 50 million rubles up to 2 billion rubles.

    Who can apply:

    Companies with a positive balance sheet, firm collateral and the support of regional authorities.
    The structure organized by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. It is designed to finance projects, preferably with an open and understandable effect of import substitution. It issues preferential loans at the rate from 1% to 5%

  • SG and Raiffeisen Investment Programs

    The funding amount:
    up to 300 million rubles.

    Who can apply:

    Small and medium-sized businesses.
    The leasing company was created to reduce the costs of entrepreneurs due to quite a low rate in the priority for the Russian government areas of the economy. Preferential leasing — Regional leasing company of the Republic of Tatarstan (

Investments from private investors

  • Funds investing in Europe Инвестиционная компания с тридцатилетним опытом с офисами в Дубай и Абу-Даби

    The funding amount:
    from 1 million USD to 15 million USD

    Who can apply:

    Companies making a product and having experience in selling it.
    Priority is given to the innovations and technologies (ecology, green energy, new materials).

  • Funds investing in the United States Инвестиционная компания с офисами в ОАЭ и Катаре

    The funding amount:
    from 1 million USD to 10 million USD

    Who can apply:

    Companies making a product and having experience in selling it.

  • Funds investing in Russia Частная финансовая биржа и семейный инвестиционный офис

    The funding amount:
    from 0,5 million USD to 5 million USD

    Who can apply:

    Companies making a product and having experience in selling it.

How to work on your project:

  • Assessment of the investment attractiveness of the project, as well as preparation of applications for investment agencies and the project defense in front of investors

  • Assistance in writing a business plan for the investment project and analysis of the scientific and technological capacity of the project (if necessary)

  • Development of a Term sheet with subsequent legal support at the stage of concluding an investment agreement

  • Additional service: consulting on submitting reports to funds and to operators of investment programs

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